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Купить книгу Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong – and the New Research That’s Rewriting The Story, автора Angela  Saini
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Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong – and the New Research That’s Rewriting The Story
‘Inferior is more than just a book. It’s a battle cry – and right now, it’s having a galvanising effect on its core fanbase’ ObserverAre women more nurturing than men?Are men more promiscuous than women?Are males the naturally dominant sex?And can science give us an impartial answer to these questions?Taking us on an eye-opening journey through science, Inferior challenges our preconceptions about men and women, investigating the ferocious gender wars that burn in biology, psychology and anthropology. Angela Saini revisits the landmark experiments that have informed our understanding, lays bare the problem of bias in research, and speaks to the scientists finally exploring the truth about the female sex.The result is an enlightening and deeply empowering account of women’s minds, bodies and evolutionary history. Interrogating what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society, Inferior unveils a fresh view of science in which women are included, rather than excluded.
Купить книгу How to Make a Human Being: A Body of Evidence, автора Christopher  Potter
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How to Make a Human Being: A Body of Evidence
A startling investigation of what it means to be human.Human beings know how to make machines. But what kind of machine is a human being? And could we ever make one?In order to answer these questions, other questions get in the way:What is it like to be a human being?What is it like to be some other kind of animal?What is reality?What is consciousness?Is there a God?What is love?Why live?The questions proliferate.But all these questions can be viewed as facets of a single question:What is science?In ‘How To Make a Human Being’ Christopher Potter shows how, at every scale of description, human beings escape the net of scientific reductionism. What it is to be human can be glimpsed in the details: in the opening of a window, in a shared joke. But cannot be caught by any reductive scientific description.
Купить книгу Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters, автора Matt  Ridley
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Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
The most important investigation of genetic science since The Selfish Gene, from the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling The Red Queen and The Origins of Virtue.The genome is our 100,000 or so genes. The genome is the collective recipe for the building and running of the human body. These 100,000 genes are sited across 23 pairs of chromosomes. Genome, a book of about 100,000 words, is divided into 23 chapters, a chapter for each chromosome. The first chromosome, for example, contains our oldest genes, genes which we have in common with plants.By looking at our genes we can see the story of our evolution, what makes us individual, how our sexuality is determined, how we acquire language, why we are vunerable to certain diseases, how mind has arisen. Genome also argues for the genetic foundations of free will. While many believe that genetics proves biological determinism, Ridley will show that in fact free will is itself in the genes. Everything that makes us human can be read in our genes. Early in the next century we will have determined the function of every one of these 100,000 genes.
Купить книгу Extinction: Evolution and the End of Man, автора Michael  Boulter
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Extinction: Evolution and the End of Man
How long do humans have left on Earth? Using cutting-edge science that revolutionises our understanding of evolution, Michael Boulter explains how we may be closer to our own extinction than we imagined.Sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs were destroyed in a mass extinction event that could not have been predicted. Out of the devastation, new life developed and the world regained its natural equilibrium. Until now. Scientists, employing radically new perspectives on the science of life, are beginning to uncover signs of a similar event on the horizon. The end of man.Michael Boulter reveals extraordinary new insights that scientists are only now beginning to understand about the past, the rise and fall of species and the nature of life.‘Extinction’ is an immaculately researched introduction into the new developments in the science of life as well as a chilling account of the effects that humans have had on the planet. The world will adapt and survive – humanity will not.‘Extinction’ raises some radical insights into our view of the world: Nature is in a balance, in which all parts interact and create harmony. This harmony is organised from the inside – it is a self-organising system. In a self-organising system the whole is more important than its parts. One method of this system is extinction – if the system is disrupted it will do what it has to correct itself.
Купить книгу Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon, автора
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Eclipse: The science and history of nature's most spectacular phenomenon
J P McEvoy looks at remarkable phenomenon of a solar eclipse through a thrilling narrative that charts the historical, cultural and scientific relevance of solar eclipses through the ages and explores the significance of this rare event.In the year when Britain will be touched by a solar eclipse for the first time since 1927, J P McEvoy looks at this remarkable phenomenon through a thrilling narrative that charts the historical, cultural and scientific relevance of solar eclipses through the ages and explores the significance of this rare event.Eclipse shows how the English Astronomer Norman Lockyer named the element Helium from the spectra of the eclipsed Sun, and how in Cambridge Arthur Eddinton predicted the proof of Einstein’s General Relativity from the bending of sunlight during the famous African eclipse of 1919.During late morning on 11 August, 1999 the shadow of the last total eclipse of the Millennium will cut across the Cornwall Peninsula and skirt the coast of Devon before moving on to the continent, ending its journey at sunset in the Bay of Bengal, India. Britain’s next eclipse will be in September, 2090.Throughout history, mankind has exhibited a changing response to the eclipse of the sun. The ancient Mexicans believed the Sun and the Moon were quarrelling whilst the Tahitians thought the two celestial objects were making love.Today, astronomers can calculate the exact path the moon’s shadow will track during the solar eclipse. As millions encamp for the brief spectacle with mylar glasses, pin-hole cameras, binoculars and telescopes, space agency satellites and mountain-top observatories study the corona, flares and the magnetosphere of the Sun as the 125 mile-wide black patch zooms along the ground at 2000 mph.
Купить книгу Leaving Reality Behind: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the Internet, автора
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Leaving Reality Behind: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the Internet
A’ NO LOGO’ for the net Generation – a no-holes barred story of the battle for the control of the internet, that reads like a thriller.In November 1999, at the height of the e-commerce gold rush, an extraordinary hearing took place in a Los Angeles courtroom. On one side, the billion-dollar darling of Wall Street, eToys.com, the brain child of Toby Lenk, one of the hottest entrepreneurs of his generation. On the other side, etoy.com, a group of cutting-edge European artists, hungry for fame, who used the Internet as their canvas.The ensuing battle sharply focused attention on the conflict at the very heart of the Internet: was it for the joy of the many or the exponential profit of the few? Was cyberspace a revolutionary public space or was the new frontier an extension of the shopping mall?Through the story for the Toywar, Adam Wishart and Regula Bochsler weave the history of the seven years that changed the world forever. In 2000, as the on-line world went into melt down, what would be more valuable and enduring, a ten billion dollar corporation created by the best American entrepreneurs or a chaotic art project by a group of anarchic European rebels?
Купить книгу Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity, автора Jonathan  Prince
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Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity
In this groundbreaking and absorbing book Dr. Sharon Moalem, delves back into the evolution of man to offer a radical perspective on survival, the human body, and our understanding of disease. Survival of the Sickest will change the way you think about your body.Dr. Moalem investigates peculiar and puzzling features of human biology to reveal the answers to such provocative questions as:• Why do we need to pee when we’re cold?• Can a person rust to death?• Why are Greeks hairier than Africans?• Can the tanning salon lower cholesterol?• Why are leeches back in vogue?• Can sunglasses cause sunburns?• Who gets drunk faster – Europeans or Asians?In considering the question of why diseases exist, Dr Moalem proposes that most common diseases came into existence for very good reasons. Diabetes, hemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia may all exist because, at some time in our past, they helped our ancestors survive some grand challenge to human existence. In turn, he also discovers that genetic and cultural differences have led to each race having different and unique ways of reacting to their environment and subsequently how they become susceptible to certain diseases.Survival of the Sickest is a book about life – yours, ours and every little living thing under the sun. About how we all got here, where we're all going and what we can do about it. Revelatory and written in an utterly engaging fashion, Sharon Moalem's book will change the way you think about your body.
Купить книгу Power Trip: From Oil Wells to Solar Cells – Our Ride to the Renewable Future, автора
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Power Trip: From Oil Wells to Solar Cells – Our Ride to the Renewable Future
In this fresh and gutsy analysis, Amanda Little lays bare America’s energy past, present and future and shows how the innovatory designs that got it to its current energy crisis will actually save it from ruin.'We're about to see a revolution in the way we live, fundamental changes to the way our homes work, the way our cars move, the way we grow our food, distribute our products, the way we make and recycle plastics.' – Amanda LittleIn this adventurous, jargon free, optimistic book, Amanda Little – tipped as 'the new voice of green' by Robert Redford – reveals the gargantuan influence of oil on our daily lives. It fights our wars, grows our crops, produces our plastics and medicines, warms our homes and animates our cities. We've allowed it to seep into every facet of our existence, from the shine on glossy magazine covers to life-saving pharmaceuticals. We depend on it completely. So what does this mean for when the oil runs out?From a deep-sea oil rig to a plastic surgery operating theatre, from New York City's electrical grid to the offices of the Pentagon, from a state-of-the-art wind farm to a testing ground for the cars of tomorrow, Little visits the most eccentric and exciting frontiers of the global energy landscape. As she introduces us to a range of characters – Saudi royalty, grassroots activists, the world's most respected politicians and an array of inventors – she argues that we are on the brink of a revolution in the way we source the energy that is so vital to us; there is an energy future beyond oil – as long as we have the courage and creativity to pursue it.Fresh, gutsy and optimistic, Power Trip will show you our world in a completely new way.
Купить книгу English. Практикум по домашнему чтению. Упражнения по произведению Дж. Гришема «Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer», автора И. А. Клепальченко
English. Практикум по домашнему чтению. Упражнения по произведению Дж. Гришема «Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer»
Пособие представляет собой комплекс упражнений к произведению Дж. Гришема, которые можно использовать как на занятиях, так и при самостоятельной работе. Пособие предназначено для студентов Российского государственного университета правосудия, изучающих английский язык на среднем и продвинутом уровнях.
Купить книгу Технологии социального манипулирования, автора З. Н. Сергеевой
Технологии социального манипулирования
В монографии описываются новые манипулятивные практики, которые предлагается рассмотреть в социологическом дискурсе. Отдельно рассматриваются манипуляции и манипулятивные стратегии в политической сфере, противодействие им и возможность встречных манипулятивных действий. При описании новых манипулятивных техник в центре внимания оказываются интернет-технологии, их использование в целях влияния на массы.
Купить книгу Политический мем, автора Ивана Сергеевича Кузнецова
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Политический мем
В этой книге систематизированы теоретические знания и практические навыки использования мемов в качестве инструмента информационной политики. Диссертация и два десятка научных публикаций, лежащие в её основе, дополнены и адаптированы для широкой публики. Она станет помощником для специалистов в сфере медиа, политтехнологий, онлайн-коммуникаций и читателей смежных профессий. Автор, Иван Кузнецов, международный журналист и продюсер, работающий в России и Италии, рассказывает о способах управления аудиторией при помощи вирусной информации и приближает читателя к ответу на главный вопрос: что такое мемы?
Купить книгу Фабрика планет. Экзопланеты и поиски второй Земли, автора Элизабет Таскер
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Фабрика планет. Экзопланеты и поиски второй Земли
Еще двадцать лет назад поиски планет – и жизни – за пределами Солнечной системы были уделом писателей-фантастов. Сегодня это одна из самых динамично развивающихся областей астрономической науки, а количество открытых экзопланет исчисляется уже тысячами. Обнаружение этих миров стало возможным лишь в последнем десятилетии. Особенно «урожайным» был 2016 год, чему в немалой степени способствовала активная работа космического телескопа «Кеплер». Эти новые миры совсем не похожи на фантазии писателей – планеты крупнее Юпитера, где год длится всего одну неделю, планеты, обращающиеся вокруг останков мертвых звезд, планеты с двумя солнцами в небе и планеты вовсе без солнца. Где-то там далеко существуют миры размером с Землю, на одной половине которых всегда день, а на другой – вечная ночь, водные миры, вся поверхность которых скрыта под толщей океанов, и лавовые миры, извергающие моря магмы. «Фабрика планет» – это рассказ об экзопланетах, то есть планетах, обращающихся вокруг звезд за пределами нашей Солнечной системы.